1. NATO ships in the Aegean Sea to stop refugees
The first three NATO ships arrived in the Aegean Sea. The goal is to send back the boats of refugees arriving from Turkey. Many NGOs involved in the reception of migrants criticized the militarization of the refugee crisis, denouncing the danger of the naval blockade. The story on Liberation.
2. “Why don’t we take the plane?”
«Daddy, why don’t we just take the airplane?» asks one of Delvan’s daughters as they contemplate crossing the rough sea. Photojournalist Pieter Stockmans followed the refugee family as they attempted to go from Turkey to Greece, from Izmir to Istanbul, in the shadowy world of smugglers. Then, on the 17th day, at 6:57am a WhatsApp voice message shouts: “We are in Greece!”. The story on Al Jazeera.
3. The cost of refugees
The economic burden of a generous refugee policy is not particularly heavy. The best way to reduce the modest fiscal burden of refugees is to incorporate them as fast as possible into the labour market so they can start contributing to the public exchequer. Sweden as a case study in the analysis of Vox.eu (Centre for Economic Policy Research).
4. Massive Attack for Refugees
Last February 12th, the famous trip hop group showed the numbers of refugee crisis during their performance in Milan, Italy.
5. Yemen forgotten
A humanitarian tragedy no one cares about. IRIN asks why and turns the question to several experts of the Arabian peninsula. After the peak of interest in March 2015, all the media turned their heads away.
6. Being a manager of a refugee camp with a software
“Imagine you are the manager of a big hotel that contains 10,000 rooms. How are you going to manage them all?”. How to run a refugee camp that hosts 26,000 Syrians with a GIS software (Geographic Information System) mapping the places available and finding accommodation for the new arrivals. An experiment by UNHCR.
7. The statue of John Paul II as a refuge
Un migrante dorme dentro la statua del Papa a Termini. A Mario Dondero questa foto sarebbe piaciuta pic.twitter.com/ICXK0yzsIE
— francesco bei (@francescobei) February 14, 2016
8. Refugees in the deep north
Riksgransen, a town in the Arctic Circle, 1,300 kilometers north of Stockholm, has been hosting hundreds of refugees for a few months now. Here’s how a ski-resort was transformed in a asylum center.
9. A weareable tent for migrants
Fashion students designed this wearable shelter for refugees – a jacket that doubles as a sleeping bag and a tent:https://t.co/XzMLMoyQ5O
— AJ+ (@ajplus) February 14, 2016
Fashion students designed this wearable shelter for refugees – a jacket that doubles as a sleeping bag and a tent.
10. United States, mass expulsions
More than 235,000 immigrants “removed” from the United States in 2015. In Georgia, Texas and North Carolina there is a new campaign of deportation of Central American citizens that recently entered the US irregularly. The Latino community and NGOs that defend the rights of immigrants are expressing strong concern about the situation. The reportage of the Washington Post.